Member Features
Download the Free Mobile App
Download the app from the Apple or Google stores. Create a login using your email in the directory and a personal password. Once verified, you can view the directory from your mobile phone or tablet. Click Here to download from Apple Store or Google Store
Submit Changes to Personal Information
As your life changes, you can submit changes to your information listed in the church directory. Log in to edit and submit any changes for approval.
View the Directory Online
Visit the members' website and create a login using the email in the directory and a personal password. Once verified, you can view the directory from a computer or any device with an internet connection. Click Here to view online.
Upload Your Own Photo
You may submit and updated photo for approval as often as you'd like. If you've had new family photos taken, you can upload the photo in just a few clicks.
Stay in Touch With Other Members
As your life changes, you can submit changes to your information listed in the church directory. Log in to edit and submit any changes for approval.