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Back to Bible School

It is hard to believe it is back to school time again. It seems like the kids just got out of school. It has been a busy summer with trips and activities which can sometimes knock us out of our routine. For those who like routines, they might look forward to this time of year to just get some normalcy into their lives. As we get the kids back into school, let me encourage you who might have been absent from Bible class to get back into it.


The Bible teaches us that we need to be workers who are not ashamed but who accurately handle the word of truth (2 Timothy 2:15). Do not get me wrong, Bible class is not the only time we should study the Bible, but it is a great opportunity to study the Bible. One thing that makes Bible study so important is that we are studying God’s message to us. If you are in a class not teaching the Bible, find another one. God’s message to us is the most important study we can have because it gives us what we need (2 Timothy 3:16-17).


Another important aspect to Bible class is the fellowship it can help foster. The time before or after class of talking, sharing, and encouraging can be priceless. In fact, fellowship is one of the things the early church dedicated itself to do (Acts 2:42). Trust can be built in these situations so that when we are going through something in life we can turn to our brothers and sisters in Christ.


I hope you see the value in Bible class. I hope that you will be there early to fellowship. Study the material that has been given or is being reviewed so that you can contribute to the class. Encourage your teacher if they are doing a good job. Teaching a Bible class can be tough. Pray for your class. Show others, including your kids, how important Bible class is by not just showing up at the building but being an active participant in class. Hope to see you in class soon.


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