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Day 2 at Guanda in a village called Dema (Friday, June 21)

Updated: Jul 16

It’s all about new beginnings and what others can do to help. Today the new beginnings was a ribbon cutting for the Dema Church of Christ building that was to be built on land donated by a member of their church and an announcement about a water well and the funds to make it happen was what others can do to help and both are now happening and will definitely be new beginnings for that village.

We were up and out by 6 am headed to a village in Zimbabwe called Dema. The roads to Dema were just dirt, rocky roads and it took about an hour and a half to get there. The sunrise while traveling there was beautiful.

The day was a day that was very special and monumental for that village and community. We witnessed a ribbon cutting of a new church of Christ there and land that was donated for it from one of the community leaders. We taught about 75 children from toddlers to 11 years, taught ladies classes, and the men taught men’s classes and Will and some other guys taught the youth. It was so awesome to be a part of that special day for the village of Dema. Three women started that church in that area in 1982 by just teaching children on Saturdays and this church has grown to include the children of children those women taught and chiefs of the village so now they are finally getting a church bldg and Partners for Africa is helping along with putting a well for water since they go to the river there to get water. We were part of the all day celebration by all of our teaching that we were doing. It was joy to see the ladies in the ladies class singing and smiling and the smiles on the children’s faces as they were listening to lessons from the Bible and getting to make crafts that they were to take with them. It was inspiring to watch and to see how just a few people can change a village just by teaching God’s word. That community needed water to provide for them physically and has for a long time plus they need that church for it will provide for them spiritually. What an awesome day it was and to travel to Zimbabwe to witness and be a part of the day was truly a blessing for me.

Will Myhan explained the day well in a post he made on Facebook:

“Today, I had the privilege of sitting under a tent with over 220 people who came to hear the Gospel in rural Zimbabwe. A generous family donated some of their land for a church, enabling community activities to share the message of Jesus Christ.

At the end of the day, two women were asked to stand and be recognized. I can imagine their hearts filled with joy and excitement as they saw the tent overflowing with people. They must have smiled as they watched over 70 children sit under a tree for three hours, eagerly listening to scripture. These women witnessed their God-blessed dreams coming true, as 30 men learned how to better share the message of Jesus and lead others.

All of this was possible because of these two women who dedicated their lives to spreading the message of Jesus. They are pillars of this church, having taken up the challenge to teach and lead others to Jesus. It started with them and now to see where things are is a testament to their faithfulness to God. Their impact has already changed eternity for countless people and will continue for many years.

I am thrilled that these dear women experienced this moment today. The world is vast, filled with people we may never meet, but today, I sat in the presence of giants who deserve great honor.”

Romans 10:15: As it is written: “How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news!”


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