For those who have watched or read Peanuts, this phrase should sound familiar. This phrase is used often and seems to express astonishment or amazement. Have you ever thought about that phrase outside of Peanuts? The phrase seems like an oxymoron. Is grief really good? Most all of us have experienced loss of some type, and we do not remember it being good. Maybe we think of a loved one who was suffering and was a Christian, and we are thankful they are no longer suffering yet we still miss them and hurt that they are no longer with us. So this phrase can seem odd at best.
What if I told you I believe there is a such thing as good grief? My mind turns to the beatitudes in Matthew chapter five. Verse four says, “Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted.” Again, I struggle with the concept of being blessed while mourning, but if God is the comforter, then yes, maybe. I am not sure this passage is talking about losing someone. I think it is talking about sin. I think the passage is teaching that those who really understand sin and how it hurts them and others and separates them from God will want to repent and change. God will comfort them by forgiving them and helping them as they turn to Him.
It reminds me of what was going on in 2 Corinthians chapter seven. Paul has written to the Corinthians, and the letter has produced sorrow in their lives over their sin. That Godly sorrow has led to repentance, the desired result. Their sorrow was not worldly in the sense that they were sorry they got caught but would do it again if they did not get caught. Their sorrow seems to be one in which they understood the awfulness of their sin and its consequences. They were motivated to think differently about what they were doing and, in turn, change what they were doing to be more like Jesus. Dare I say, may we all have good grief in our lives.