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Happy Mother's Day

What do you give to a person who has given so much? When I think about those who sacrifice so much, I think mothers would be close to the top of that list. I am not sure you can truly appreciate all the time and effort it takes to raise a child until you perform that task. How do we say thank you? Cards, calls, and candy are all nice, but what might the Bible teach us?


Ephesians 6:1 says, “Children, obey your parents in the Lord.” What good does it do to buy a card from the store yet refuse to do what she says? How about the gift of obey what she says to us? That is a gift that keeps on giving and one I am sure she will love.


Ephesians 6:2 says, “Honor your father and mother.” Parents are old and do not know how to have any fun. I know that is what some think. Most parents love you more than you will ever know and are probably trying to do the best they can to help you succeed in life. The very least we could do is truly honor them.


Proverbs 10:1 says, “A foolish son is a grief to his mother.” Let’s live such good lives that it brings honor to our mothers. Some of the shining moments a parent has are when someone might say, “Is that your child?” in relation to something good or, “I just want to tell you how wonderful your child is doing.” Let’s not bring them grief by the way we live but joy.


Proverbs 31:28 says, “Her children rise up and bless her.” When you think about all a mom does, it can be exhausting. Do we ever stop to say thank you? Thank you for cooking this meal for us. (And don’t complain about what has been fixed.) Thank you for washing my clothes. (And don’t complain about having to put them up.) A thank you can go a long way.


Thank you to all the mothers out there, and God bless you as you raise children for God!


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