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Plans for 2024

Acts chapter 17, verse 11 tells us that the Bereans searched the scriptures daily. What a great example for us! With that thought, I am excited to announce to you some plans for next year. We are planning on reading the entire New Testament next year. Have you ever read all of the New Testament? If we want to be people of the Word, then we have to get into the Word. Soon I will be putting out sheets that have a reading schedule on them. The schedule will have us reading five chapters a week. If we read less than one chapter a day, we will make it through the entire New Testament.

I would hope this could be something you do with your family. You all sit down and read a chapter in God’s word, discuss it, have a prayer, and maybe sing some songs. What a great way to spend fifteen minutes with God and your family. Schedule a time to do your study. Maybe you are morning people and you start the day by waking up a little earlier for this, or maybe it is a good way to wind down before bed. Find a time, and hide God’s word in your heart (Psalm 119:11). What if I miss a day and get behind? You have seven days to read five chapters. You could use Saturday and Sunday for a make up day if you need one.

My plan is to preach on those chapters. That usually will come with me preaching about something in those chapters the Sunday following the readings. Sometimes I might preach about those chapters on Sunday night, also. Sometimes Sunday night might be a preview of the chapters to come because I might not be preaching the next Sunday. Things come up, but I am going to do my best to cover the chapters we have been reading. Can you guess what the sermon will be about? I hope this will be a blessing for the church here that will help us grow closer to God, our families, and each other.


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