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Responding to the Invitation

Sunday night Hannah asked me if we had had many responses lately. I mentioned that we had some that morning (she was on a retreat that morning). Then I began to think about it and thought of several more. I want to share some thoughts about those responses.


First, thank you to those who respond. What a humble heart that requires. What a heart of seeking after the will of God that requires. None of us are perfect, but what an example of desiring to live your life for Jesus even when it is not easy. Thank you for trusting your church family to carry your name before the throne of God. (I hope we are doing that as the family of God.) Thank you for being an example for the rest of us.


Second, I want to thank those who help. Thank you to those who come forward with those who respond. The walk up front can be a lonely, scary thing, but what a blessing to have your brothers and sisters show up to support you. Thank you to those who show up after services. To those who say, “The Mexican restaurant can wait. I need to welcome a new child of God or encourage a brother or sister in Christ.” How would you want someone to treat you if you responded? Matthew 7:12


Third, the reason Hannah knew there had been so many responses is that her class was sending out cards of encouragement. Thank you to those who send cards, texts, or make phone calls to check in to encourage.


I have to remember I am no better than those who respond. I sin and struggle daily and have thought many times that I should respond as well. I am thankful for a Savior who makes it possible for forgiveness of sins. I do not deserve His sacrifice, and yet He willingly gave His life that I could be right with God. I am thankful for the Lord’s invitation where I can find the things I need the most. Let me encourage you to respond to His invitation to be like Him.


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