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Summer Series Review

I hope our Summer Series was helpful to you. The purpose was to look at men and women of God and see some lessons we can learn from their faith. We brought in a variety of men to speak to us from the same Bible but with different personalities. I hope at least one if not all of them connected with you and helped your faith grow.


What can we learn from Hebrews chapter eleven to help us? First, we learn what faith is. Verse one tells us we have an assurance of the things we hope for. This hope is not a maybe or hopefully, but it is sure and true. It also is a conviction that, even though I have not experienced some things with my senses (seeing God for example), I believe them to be true. Second, from verse two we learn that this is how we gain the approval of God. And third, verse six tells us about the importance of faith. Without it, I cannot please God. How dare I come to Him and not believe He is who He says He is or can do what He says He can do.


The rest of the chapter seems to be filled with examples of men and women trying to live this faith out. We seem to be getting the highlights with lessons about Noah, Abraham, and Moses. They are some great highlights. The ark, offering the child of promise, and leaving Egypt to lead God’s people. These people accomplished great things by having faith in God. We, too, can accomplish great things for God when we step out in faith. We also know the rest of the stories about these people. They had some lowlights as well, like being drunk, lying, and striking the rock. These people were like us. Sometimes they did not have the faith they needed to and failed. For most of us our faith will have its ups and downs, also. I think the important thing is not to give up but to keep your faith. Are you pleasing God with your faith?

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