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Tips on Worship

Do you ever feel like your worship is in a rut? Week after week you do the same thing over and over. It can seem meaningless. Is that what God desires from us? No! Here are some tips that might help improve your worship.


Prepare for worship. The night before, you might lay out your outfit, Bibles, or whatever you carry to worship. Have breakfast planned out. Invite people to come with you. Pray about worship and your part in it. Go to bed. It is hard to worship running on little sleep. Set your alarm a little earlier if you continually find yourself running behind. Sing or play songs of worship as you get ready or drive to church. Show up early. You can greet visitors or encourage others. It is hard to get into worship mode sliding in during the first song. Sit somewhere different, especially if where you sit provides distractions.


During worship, I want to pray along with the one leading us. I want to think about what they are saying to see if I agree or disagree or if I need to add something to their prayer in my mind. I want to sing like I am thankful that Jesus died and saved me from my sins. When I take the Lord’s Supper, I want to reflect on what Jesus has done for me and examine what I am doing for Him in light of His return. During the sermon, I want to get my Bible out and make sure what I am being told is true. If my phone is a distraction, then go back to a physical Bible. Take notes. Ask the question, “What in this lesson applies to me and how can I conform my life to it?” When I give, I want to count my many blessing and give generously and joyfully.


After worship, I do not run out but again look for visitors or those that need encouragement. I talk about the blessing of worship with my family or whoever I come in contact with. Most importantly, live more like Jesus.


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