In Matthew 21:23 the priests and elders of the people were questioning Jesus’ authority. In reply, Jesus asked if the baptism of John was from heaven or men. They refused to answer because the answer would have put them in a bad spot. So because they refused to answer Jesus question, he refused to answer their question. (If they had been listening and watching, the answer to their question, I believe, was obvious.) Jesus then, in turn, told them a parable.
The parable is found in Matthew 21:28-31. It is basically about two sons. A father comes to one of his sons and asks him to go work in the vineyard. At first he said no but later changed his mind and went. The father came to his other son and asked the same of him. He said he would go but did not. Jesus asked, “Which of the two did the father’s will?” The crowd responded, “The first” (the one who said no at first but changed and went). The lesson Jesus gave was that the prostitutes and tax collectors (terrible sinners to those in his crowd) were entering the kingdom of God. The reason? The tax collectors and prostitutes had rejected God’s way, but when John the Baptist came, they repented and turned to God like the first son. The crowd Jesus was speaking to had said they would do God’s will but had rejected John like the second son (which helps us understand why they could not answer the question of where John’s baptism was from).
What are some lessons for us? Have we said “yes” to God but not gone to work in the vineyard? God desires more than lip service but living for Him. If we have said yes to God, let us be about living for Him. Have we said “no” to God? If you have life in your body, you have a chance to change. No matter what you have done, God can and will forgive you through that watery grave of baptism. He calls you to rise up and walk with Him.