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Last year was my first experience with white water rafting. The church took a group to a place near Chattanooga, TN which was actually used for the Olympics in 1996. I was new to this so I tried to pay attention to what our guide was telling us and do what he said. I was really impressed with our guide’s knowledge about the river. He might say something like, “There is a rock on the right side. Left side, paddle twice.” We would, and sure enough, we would pass a rock that was submerged under the water. He was good enough that he knew how to get us stuck to get us wet and how to get us out of when we were stuck. We went the whole way without flipping until the end when he purposely flipped us.

That experience makes me think about life. God is the experienced guide. The difference is that He has complete knowledge about how to live life to get us to the end safely. He has sent us His word so that we might know how to live our lives and avoid obstacles (Psalm 119:110). The church is like those guys who rode in the raft with me. We had to work together so we would not fall out of the raft. In fact, there were times when our guide would say something to the effect of: “Hit the deck,” where we would have to get in the raft and lock arms with the person beside us so we would not fall out. Let us be active in church so our brothers and sisters can help us and we can help them (Ephesians 4:16). Sometimes someone would fall out of the raft due to their carelessness or refusal to listen to the guide. The guide would graciously invite those who had fallen out back into the raft. That is life. Sometimes we fall out, but God graciously calls us back. One other thing I am convinced of is that, unlike our guide, God will never intentionally “flip” us out of His presence. We serve the greatest, best guide. Listen to Him.

I met a lady the other day who was starting a Bible study. My curiosity got the best of me, and I asked her how she got into this Bible study. She related the following story to me: Basically, she had spoken to an acquaintance about needing to get into church, and the acquaintance mentioned having a Bible study together. She agreed. Praise God! I hope this study will lead to her becoming a New Testament Christian and to God’s glory.

Sometimes I think we make evangelism too complicated, or we use that as an excuse not to be obedient to the example we see in Matthew 28:19-20. Jesus said to his disciples, “Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I command you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” My job is to simply plant the seed of God’s word into hearts. Be so excited about church that you are inviting others. “Would you like to come to worship with me? Do you want to sit down and study the Bible?” You might be told no, but again, my job is not to make them say yes but to plant the seed. They might just say yes. Pray for opportunities, then look for opportunities and take them.

Where might you look? How about your family? Do you have any friends? Where do you work or go to school? Are there people there? How many neighbors do you have? The list could go on and on. Be excited about Jesus and His church. When I am excited about something, I talk it up. Take advantage of the opportunities God blesses you with. “Hey, we are having this thing (VBS, Gospel Meeting, etc) at church. Why don’t you come with me?” “We are having a class on prayer that is really helping me. You should come.” Whose life will you sow God’s word into?

I recently read an email from Legacy of Faith by Jim Faughn entitled "Jeopardy" which reminded me of an incident that occurred several weeks ago. Host Mayim Bialik read the two-hundred dollar puzzle which said: Matthew 6:9 says, "Our Father, which are in heaven, 'This' be they name." My kids, who can be jeopardy junkies (weirdos, lol) would have loved that question. Surprisingly, none of the contestants tried to answer the question. Wow. Please understand, I am not trying to mock the contestants. I am sure they are smarter than I am. If I were to go up against them on Jeopardy!, they would probably destroy me. It might have been nerves that got them, but my concern is that our world is getting more and more ignorant in regards to the Bible.

God is pretty plain when He says in 2 Timothy 2:15, "Be diligent to present yourself approved to God as a workman who does not need to be ashamed, accurately handling the word of truth." How can we accurately handle something we do not read, study and know? We also see the example of the people of Berea in Acts 17:11 who examined the scriptures daily. Is it possible that some of the things going on in our world are due to the fact that as a society we are becoming more and more biblically illiterate? Maybe worse than those wo are biblically illiterate and those not living in harmony with the word of God are those who just do not care about what the Bible says.

God says in Hosea 4:6, "My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge." If God were to look down today, would he see a famine of true knowledge of the word of God? I am afraid so. How do we remedy the problem? We need to get hungry for the Word. Demand it in our Bible classes and pulpits. Demand it in our own lives, and share it with others. If we do not, our world is in jeopardy, and I do not mean we are going on a game show.

-- Chris

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