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Our Wardrobe

It was tax free weekend this past weekend on things for school. So, if you needed pencils or a computer, you could get them tax free this past weekend. One thing that was tax free was clothes. I told the kids to clean out their closets, get rid of what did not fit, and figure out what was needed. There were several things needed, so we went shopping. It is amazing all the clothes, styles, and colors out there. Let’s take a pair of pants as an example. You can get them in all different fabrics, colors, styles, etc. Why? Because people like different things. It made me think about life and the choices we make about what we clothe ourselves in.


Some clothe themselves in athletic wear because that is how they define themselves. They are either athletes or support a certain team. Some wear political shirts to show which side they are on or which candidate they support. Some wear only the latest styles or most expensive clothing because they are overly concerned with how they look or feel they are better than others. Some are always in their work clothes because that is what they see as the most important. The reason some find that important is the paycheck tied to it and the greed in their hearts. The list could go on. I am not saying that any of these types of clothing are bad, as long as they are used in the right way. I want to ask, “What is the best clothing for a Christian?”


I believe the answer to that question is found in Galatians 3:27. It says, “For all of you who were baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ.” I am suggesting that to be clothed in Christ would be for people to see Christ when I speak because my thoughts are in Christ. For people to see Christ in my work and in my recreation. For Christ to be visible to others in me in my home or school. So that ultimately I will be seen in Christ on the day of judgment. What are you wearing?


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