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We might say that July got started with a bang or that it got off to a hot start. Both of those statements would be true here at Huntingdon. We started with the food drive. I think it was probably the best food box we have given away since i have been here. I hope that this food will lead to a desire for spiritual food. The first Sunday, we thanked God for the country we live in and prayed for it. Afterwards, we had a great night of fellowship and fireworks. It was a great Sunday to be at Huntingdon. Our Wednesday night summer series continued with great reception. After class Wednesday night, the church turned into a hangar with planes and airport stuff taking over. As i write this on the Monday of VBS week, VBS is off to a great start. This afternoon, we will have a send off for some of ours who are heading to the mission field.

If that were not enough, there is more coming in July. The summer series will continue with some familiar names. Brooks is preaching on July 23rd, and we will have church eat church on July 30th to welcome the new members with our youth doing the services that afternoon. That is just to name a few things that are planned.

How does all this get done? You make this possible. I was reminded of Ephesians 4:16. The body grows when all the parts are working together. I am not talented at everything, but I can add my talents to the talents of others to help the body grow. Thank you to all of you using your talents to make Huntingdon church of Christ a great place to be. I might not be able to life a heavy box of food, or shoot off fireworks, or speak in front of a class, or make great decorations, ect. Ask yourself what you can do, and do it to the best of your ability for the glory of God and the edification of the church. Thanks again for all you are doing to make Huntingdon church of Christ a great place to be.

-- Chris


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